
Energy treatments balance and purify the body, soul and spirit and allow you to recharge your energy and remove energy blockages.

PRICE: Individual session 70 euros in person or remotely


Here are some testimonials in return for care: THANK YOU to all these beautiful souls

• “I have known Odile for 16 years, since we lived in the same neighborhood. I have always been struck by her kindness, her empathy and her generosity. Over the years, Odile has accomplished this path that has made her the extraordinary being that she is today. Like any human being, one might think. But she has something more, this quality of listening, this relevance, this accuracy in her reflections, and this immense desire to help. The strength that she has in her hands is truly incredible. I had never seen that, and I am always impressed when I go to consult her, and by what happens during the session, and by the effectiveness of her care. Odile is an exceptional person, and that she has fully found her way on this earth is a rare opportunity for us.” Christine

• “Thank you for treating my ophthalmic shingles which I had had for several months and for which no treatment had given any results” Nathalie.

• “Thank you Odile for the treatment concerning my anarchic menstrual cycle which did not stop due to premenopause; during your treatment, I felt a warmth and the next day a total stoppage of periods, what happiness! Thank you.” Sandrine

• “Thank you very much Odile... You are a very beautiful person, you have generosity, kindness, benevolence, gentleness... You represent in some way all the values ​​of GOOD. For all these things, THANK YOU” Clément

• “Hello, a little message to inform you that Jeanne’s wart has disappeared! Thank you..
I have passed your contact information on to 2 people who should come and see you.
Good day "

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