Collier ras de cou en Apatite perles facettées 4mm
Collier ras de cou en Apatite perles facettées 4mm
The History of the Stone
The History of the Stone
It takes its name from the Greek Goddess Apate, Goddess of deception because it has multiple colors that can easily be confused with other stones such as Beryl or Topaz.
Its history remains mysterious because its composition was only discovered in 1767 by the Spanish naturalist Pedro Francisco Dávila who gave it the name "Phosphoric Stone".
In 1786 the mineralogist Abraham Gottlob Werner gave it the name Apatite.
It is the only mineral found in the human body. It can be found in crystalline form in tooth enamel and nails.
Apatite crystals are present in the pineal gland, between our two cerebral hemispheres.
Chakras & astrological signs
Chakras & astrological signs
- Solar Plexus, Heart & Throat
- Gemini, Sagittarius & Libra
The interview
The interview
Purification methods (1x per month)
- In clear water : Pass under cold water for a few minutes (spring water, rain or river water ideally)
- By fumigation : Light sage or purification incense and pass the Stone through the smoke
- The Tibetan or crystal bowl: Place the stone inside and vibrate for at least 5 minutes or according to your feelings
Recharging methods (after purification)
- On a cluster or an Amethyst geode: To place on top
- At the Moon: Place on a windowsill or outside for 1 night at the Moon, ideally full
- In the Sun: Expose to the sun for a few hours
- On a Flower of Life: Figure of sacred geometry, it recharges Minerals
- L'apatite est le seul minéral que l'on trouve dans le corps humain, au niveau de la glande pinéale (dans le cerveau entre les hémisphères)
- Travailler le 3ème œil
- Accompagner les personnes qui ont peur de l'eau ou ne savent pas nager
- Faire baisser la rétention d'eau & les douleurs articulaires
- Apprendre à lâcher prise et vivre pleinement ses émotions
- Assumer son hypersensibilité
- Favoriser la bonne circulation de l'eau & de la lymphe dans le corps
- Aider à réguler l'appétit
- Pierre d'apaisement du stress & des angoisses
- Pierre qui accompagne lors des cancers
- Clarifier et stimuler l'esprit
- Développer son intuition
- Favoriser la communication
- Travailler sur les problèmes de langages (bégaiements)
- Aider à prendre la parole en public
- Accompagner dans la perte de poids
- Ajustable pour tour de cou entre 41,5 et 46 cM
Lithotherapy is part of alternative energy therapies and does not replace a consultation or medical advice .