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Anaïs Gemmes

Bloc de Labradorite polie

Bloc de Labradorite polie

The History of the Stone

It takes its name from the place where it was discovered in 1770 in Canada: the Labrador region.

The Inuit peoples considered it to be the result of the Northern Lights because of its wonderful shades of color. According to some beliefs, the Northern Lights appeared after an Inuit warrior struck a Labradorite with his spear.

Chakras & astrological signs

- 3rd eye & Coronal

- Cancer, Leo & Pisces

The interview

Labradorite is a protective stone, it must be cleansed each time it is worn or used during a treatment.

Purification methods

- In clear water : Run under cold water for a few minutes (ideally spring, rain or river water)

- By fumigation : Light sage or purification incense and pass the Stone through the smoke

- The Tibetan or crystal bowl: Place the stone inside and vibrate for at least 5 minutes or according to your feelings

Recharging methods (after purification)

- On a cluster or an Amethyst geode: To place on top

- At the Moon: Place on a windowsill or outside for 1 night at the Moon, ideally full

- In the Sun: Expose to the sun for a few hours

- On a Flower of Life: Figure of sacred geometry, it recharges Minerals


  • Se protéger des énergies négatives, elle les récupère et évite la pollution énergétique
  • Pierre de protection
  • Bouclier énergétique elle est aussi appelée la Pierre des thérapeutes et accompagne pendant les soins
  • Dans une pièce elle apporte la protection du lieu
  • Faire la différence entre mes émotions & celles des autres
  • Récupérer de l'énergie lorsqu'on se sent fatigué
  • Développer l'intuition, la télépathie & le 3ème œil
  • Stimuler la créativité et l'imagination
  • Équilibrer énergétiquement le système hormonal
Regular price €45,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €45,00 EUR
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